If you are eager to further support our work re-imagining tech journalism, consider becoming a member today! Since 2020, Logic(s)’ exclusive membership model has provided our supporters with cutting-edge gear, access to exclusive members-only events, and support for competitive wages for our translators, developmental editors and contributors. Across a range of tiers, we are thrilled to offer virtual, in-person, and mailed packages, gifts, acknowledgements, and premier-access gatherings. Our growing family of Logic(s) members form a community committed to deepening the discourse around technology, drawing in voices and perspectives that remain outside, underexplored, and essential to thinking critically about technology from the margins. Thank you for amplifying our power by joining, and supporting us in our commitment to amplifying the tremendous imaginative power of those most impacted by technology, but who are rarely brought into the conversation.
Whether you pledge a $250 Starter Level membership or $25,000 Visionary Level Membership, every dollar of support will help us:
• support the ethical translation of articles; • continue to invest in politically informed and technically trained fact-checking; • transition our editorial, fact checking and copy-editing team farther away from the precarity of freelance opportunities toward offering full-time, benefits eligible positions; • invest deeply in mentorship for our contributors and team to enrich the quality of the stories we release and provide an alternate career path for those who want to engage ideas deeply without competing on the academic job market; • curate virtual and live event series that continue conversations provoked by the Logic(s) magazine in spaces outside of the most resourced US coastal cities. World building for joy, connection and learning must include — but extend well beyond — the pages of each issue.
Visit this page to learn more about our currently available tiers of membership!
** Can’t afford one of these options but want the magazine and gear? Email Mallika Grace Dharmaraj ( to tell us more about yourself and what Logic(s) membership means to you! **